Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary

Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary UPSC

The Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary is a well-known bird sanctuary located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is one of the largest bird sanctuary in India. 

The sanctuary is home to a diverse range of avian species. It is named after the nearby village of Lakh Bahosi, which is known for its rich biodiversity and bird population.

The bird sanctuary is primarily known for its resident and migratory bird species. Over 240 species of birds have been recorded in Lakh Bahosi, including both local and migratory species. 

Table of Contents

  • Location
  • History
  • Area
  • Lake
  • Flora
  • Fauna
  • UPSC Questions

Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary Location

Lakh Bahosi Sanctuary is located near Lakhbasohi village in Kannauj District of Uttar Pradesh. Kannauj is situated in the northern part of the state, approximately 120 kilometers west of the capital city, Lucknow. 

Nearest Airport:

The nearest airport to Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary is Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport in Lucknow. It is the major airport serving the region and is located approximately 150 kilometers east of the sanctuary.

Nearest Railway Station:

The nearest railway station to Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary is Kannauj Railway Station. It is well-connected to various cities in Uttar Pradesh and other parts of India through regular train services.

Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary History

Here's an overview of the Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary's history:

1. Establishment: The Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary was established in 1989 with the purpose of safeguarding and preserving the avian biodiversity in the region. The area surrounding the sanctuary, including the village of Lakh Bahosi, has long been renowned for its abundant bird species.

2. Named after the Neighbouring Villages of Lakh and Bahosi: The sanctuary derives its name from the villages of Lakh and Bahosi, which are located in close proximity to the sanctuary. These villages have long been recognized for their significant bird populations and their harmonious coexistence with nature.

3. Recognition and Conservation Efforts: Over the years, the Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary has gained recognition for its substantial bird population and conservation initiatives. Local authorities and conservation organizations have collaborated to implement measures aimed at protecting the sanctuary's habitat and ensuring the well-being of the bird species.

4. Promotion of Bird Conservation and Awareness: Efforts have been made to raise awareness about the importance of bird conservation and the ecological value of the sanctuary. Educational programs, workshops, and community outreach initiatives have been undertaken to promote understanding and appreciation for the avian species and their habitats.

Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary Area

The Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary is one of the largest bird sanctuaries in the country. Spanning an area of approximately 80 square kilometers, it includes two jheels (shallow lakes) near the villages of Lakh and Bahosi, which are situated about 4 kilometers apart. 

The sanctuary also encompasses a stretch of the Upper Ganges canal, further adding to its diverse habitat for avian species.

Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary Lake

The Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary is spread over two jheels (shallow lakes) near the villages of Lakh and Bahosi. These jheels are approximately 4 kilometers apart from each other. These two shallow lakes are fed by the Ganga Canal.

The presence of these lakes and the water supply from the Ganga Canal create an ideal habitat for a diverse range of bird species. The shallow depths of the jheels provide a suitable environment for birds to forage, roost, and breed. The abundance of water resources attracts a variety of resident and migratory birds, making the sanctuary a significant destination for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts.

By encompassing the two jheels fed by the Ganga Canal, the Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary ensures a consistent water supply throughout the year. This is crucial for maintaining a thriving ecosystem that supports the avian biodiversity in the region. The sanctuary serves as a haven for numerous bird species, offering them a safe refuge and contributing to the conservation of their populations.

Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary Flora

The Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary is not only a haven for avian species but also supports a diverse range of flora. The sanctuary's vegetation includes a mix of wetland, marshland, and riparian plant species that thrive in the unique ecosystem of the area. 

Here are some notable flora found in the Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary:

(1) Aquatic Plants:

The sanctuary's lakes and water bodies are adorned with various aquatic plants such as lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), water lilies (Nymphaea spp.), and various species of submerged plants. These plants not only enhance the scenic beauty of the water bodies but also provide important habitat and food sources for birds and other aquatic organisms.

(2) Wetland Vegetation:

The wetlands within the sanctuary support a variety of wetland vegetation. Common examples include reeds, rushes, and sedges like Typha spp. (commonly known as cattails), Phragmites spp., and Cyperus spp. These plants play a crucial role in stabilizing the wetland ecosystem, preventing erosion, and providing nesting sites and cover for birds.

(3) Riparian Plants:

The vegetation along the water channels in the sanctuary includes trees, shrubs, and grasses. Species like Acacia spp., Dalbergia spp., Butea monosperma (Flame of the Forest), Azadirachta indica (Neem), and Ficus spp. (fig trees) can be found in these riparian habitats. These plants offer shade, nesting sites, and food sources for both birds and other wildlife.

(4) Marshland Flora:

The marshy areas within the sanctuary harbor distinctive plant communities adapted to wet and waterlogged conditions. Plants like Sagittaria spp., Scirpus spp., and various species of grasses and sedges thrive in these marshy habitats, providing important ecological niches for bird species and other wetland organisms.

Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary Fauna (Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary Animals)

The Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary is home to a diverse array of fauna, including avian species, mammals, reptiles, and more. The sanctuary's rich habitat supports a wide range of wildlife, making it an important ecosystem for biodiversity. 

Here are some notable examples of fauna found in the Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary:


  • Golden Jackal
  • Bluebull
  • Mongoose
  • Fishing Cat
  • Monkeys
  • Black-naped Hare


The Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary boasts an impressive bird population, with records of over 240 species reported within its boundaries.

  • Sarus Crane
  • Indian Peafowl
  • Painted Stork
  • Black-necked Stork
  • White Ibis
  • Bar-headed Goose
  • Indian Roller
  • Black-headed Ibis
  • Spot-billed Duck
  • Greater Painted-Snipe


The wetland and marshland areas of the sanctuary support a variety of reptilian life. Species like Indian Pythons, Common Monitor Lizards, Indian Rock Pythons, and several types of snakes, including cobras and rat snakes, can be found in the sanctuary. Additionally, various species of turtles and tortoises are also known to inhabit the water bodies within the sanctuary.

Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary UPSC Questions

Q. Where is Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary?

A. Lakh Bahosi Sanctuary is located near Lakhbasohi village in Kannauj District of Uttar Pradesh. 

Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary

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