Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve UPSC

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is a protected area located in the state of Meghalaya, India. It was designated as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 2009.

The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is renowned for its high biodiversity and is considered a hotspot for endemic species. It is home to several rare and endangered species, including the Western Hoolock Gibbon, which is the only ape species found in India. 

The reserve is also famous for housing the Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) and numerous bird species, making it a vital conservation area.

Table of Contents

  • Location
  • History
  • Area
  • Hills
  • Rivers
  • Tribe
  • Flora
  • Fauna
    • Mammals
    • Birds
    • Reptile
  • Red Panda
  • UPSC Questions

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve Location

The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is located in the Garo Hills district of Meghalaya state, India. It is situated on the Tura Range, which forms part of the Meghalaya Plateau.

Nearest Airport:

The nearest airport to Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is the Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport (also known as Guwahati International Airport), located in Guwahati, Assam. It is approximately 185 kilometers away from the biosphere reserve.

Nearest Railway Station:

As for the nearest railway station, the closest one to Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is Guwahati Railway Station, also located in Guwahati, Assam. It is well-connected to major cities in India. From the railway station, one can take a taxi or bus to reach the biosphere reserve, which is approximately 185 kilometers away.

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve History

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve has a significant historical and ecological background. Here is an overview of its history:

1. Establishment as a National Park: In 1986, Nokrek National Park was established. The park was created with the objective of protecting and conserving the unique biodiversity and ecosystems found in the Garo Hills region of Meghalaya, India.

2. Biosphere Reserve: In 1988, Nokrek National Park declared a biosphere reserve by Government of India. The government recognized its ecological significance and designated it as a biosphere reserve.

3. UNESCO Biosphere Reserve: In 2009, Nokrek Biosphere Reserve was recognized as a biosphere reserve under the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) program of UNESCO. The MAB program aims to promote the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development.

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve holds the distinction of being one of the 18 UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in India. As a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, it serves as a model area for research, monitoring, and implementing sustainable development practices while conserving biodiversity.

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve Area

The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve covers an area of approximately 820 square kilometers (316.19 square miles). It is a significant conservation area in the Garo Hills region of Meghalaya, India, known for its diverse ecosystems and rich biodiversity.

  • Core area(s): 47.48 km²
  • Buffer zone(s): 227.92 km²
  • Transition zone(s): 544.60 km²
  • Total : 820 km²

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve Hills

The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is located in the Garo Hills region of Meghalaya, India. The reserve is named after the Nokrek Range. The Nokrek Range is part of the larger Garo Hills. 

(1) Garo Hills:

The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve spanning across  Garo Hills. The Garo Hills, named after the Garo tribe, one of the major indigenous communities residing in the region, are an integral part of the Meghalaya Plateau.

At the heart of the Garo Hills lies the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve, a sanctuary for biodiversity conservation. The reserve derives its name from the prominent Nokrek Range, a hill range that stands as a testament to the natural splendor of the region. This range is renowned for its scenic beauty and is home to various endangered and endemic species, making it a vital part of the ecosystem.

(2) Nokrek Range:

The Nokrek Range is a prominent and majestic hill range situated within the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve in the West Garo Hills district of Meghalaya, India. As a part of the Garo Hills, this range stands as a testament to the region's natural beauty and ecological significance.

One of the most captivating features of the Nokrek Range is its elevated peaks, with the highest point being the Nokrek Peak, rising to an impressive elevation of 1,412 meters (4,633 feet) above sea level.

The Nokrek Range holds cultural significance for the indigenous Garo tribe and other communities residing in the region. The hills have been an integral part of their traditional practices and folklore, adding to the mystique and allure of this stunning landscape.

The Nokrek Range, along with the entire Nokrek Biosphere Reserve, has been recognized by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve, highlighting its vital role in promoting biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, and fostering the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature.

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve Rivers

The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is blessed with the presence of several rivers that flow through its picturesque landscape, enhancing its ecological diversity and providing sustenance to the surrounding ecosystems. Among the notable rivers that grace the reserve are Ganol, Dareng, and Simsang.

(1) Ganol River:

The Ganol River is one of the significant water bodies that meander through the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve. It originates from the Nokrek Peak, the highest point of the Nokrek Range, and winds its way through the lush greenery of the Garo Hills. As it cascades down the slopes, the Ganol River nourishes the fertile soil, contributing to the region's abundant vegetation and rich biodiversity.

(2) Dareng River:

The Dareng River is another prominent river that flows through the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve. It originates from the Meghalaya Plateau and meanders through the heart of the Garo Hills, cutting through valleys and forming deep gorges along its course. The river's flow is fed by the monsoon rains, ensuring that the surrounding forests and ecosystems remain lush and vibrant.

(3) Simsang River:

The Simsang River is yet another significant river that graces the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve. It originates in the neighboring state of Assam and flows through the western part of the Garo Hills, enriching the landscape with its life-giving waters. The Simsang River contributes to the region's ecological balance, supporting a diverse range of flora and fauna that thrives along its banks.

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve Tribe

The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is located in the Garo Hills region of Meghalaya, India, which is predominantly inhabited by the Garo tribe. The Garo people are one of the major indigenous communities in the state of Meghalaya and have a rich cultural heritage deeply rooted in their traditions and customs.

The Garo tribe has a distinct language, known as Garo, and a unique way of life shaped by their close connection with nature. They have a strong bond with the land and forests, relying on agriculture and traditional practices for their livelihood. The Garo people are known for their expertise in weaving, bamboo craftsmanship, and traditional music and dance forms.

In the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve, the Garo tribe coexists harmoniously with the natural environment, respecting and conserving the biodiversity of the region. Their traditional knowledge and practices contribute to the sustainable management of resources and the preservation of the delicate ecological balance within the biosphere reserve.

The Garo people have a rich oral tradition and folklore, which are passed down through generations, encompassing myths, legends, and tales that reflect their spiritual beliefs and cultural identity. Festivals and celebrations play a significant role in the Garo community, showcasing their vibrant culture and providing a platform for social cohesion and unity.

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve Flora

The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve in Meghalaya, India, is renowned for its rich and diverse flora, which encompasses a wide range of plant species adapted to the region's unique ecological conditions. The reserve's forests are teeming with lush vegetation, creating a verdant and vibrant landscape. 

Here are some of the notable flora found in the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve:

(1) Evergreen Forests:

The reserve is characterized by dense evergreen forests that remain green throughout the year. These forests are dominated by a variety of tree species, including majestic oaks, laurels, magnolias, and chestnuts. The dense foliage of these trees provides shade and shelter to a plethora of understory plants and wildlife.

(2) Subtropical Forests:

Alongside the evergreen forests, the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve also features subtropical forests. These forests consist of a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees. Species such as teak, sal, bamboo, and ferns are commonly found in these forests, contributing to the overall biodiversity of the reserve.

(3) Medicinal Plants:

The region is home to numerous medicinal plants that have been traditionally used by local communities for their healing properties. Plants such as turmeric, Indian gooseberry, ginger, and various species of orchids possess medicinal properties and are revered for their therapeutic benefits.

(4) Orchids:

The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is known for its impressive orchid diversity. Orchids are abundant in the reserve's forests, with numerous species adorning the trees and understory. These delicate and exotic flowers showcase an array of vibrant colors and unique shapes, adding to the visual appeal of the flora in the region.

(5) Endemic Species:

The reserve harbors several endemic plant species that are found exclusively in the Garo Hills region. These species have evolved over time, adapting to the local environmental conditions. Protecting these endemic plants is crucial for their conservation and the preservation of the region's unique biodiversity.

  • Grand rasamala
  • White meranti
  • Lali
  • Chempaka
  • Wild lemon 

(6) Bamboo:

Bamboo plays a significant role in the flora of the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve. The versatile bamboo species grow abundantly in the region and have multiple uses, ranging from construction materials to crafts and even food. Bamboo groves create a distinctive feature in the landscape and provide habitat for various animals and birds.

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve Fauna (Nokrek Biosphere Reserve Animals)

The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve in Meghalaya, India, is renowned for its rich and diverse fauna, supporting a wide range of animal species adapted to its unique ecological conditions. The reserve's forests, grasslands, and water bodies provide a habitat for numerous wildlife species, making it a significant hotspot of biodiversity. 

Here are some of the notable fauna found in the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve:


  • Hoolock Gibbons
  • Slow Loris
  • Giant Flying Squirrel
  • Pig-tailed Macaque
  • Stump Tailed Macaque
  • Clouded Leopard
  • Marbled Cat
  • Red Panda


  • Great Indian Hornbill
  • Oriental Pied Hornbill
  • Wreathed Hornbill
  • Asian Fairy-Bluebird
  • Grey-headed Fish Eagle
  • White-cheeked Partridge 
  • Broad-billed Warbler
  • Sultan Tit 


  • King Cobra
  • Indian Python
  • Green Pit Viper

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve Red Panda

The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is known for its remarkable biodiversity, and one of the fascinating and elusive species found within its forests is the Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens). Although primarily associated with the forests of the Eastern Himalayas, the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve provides a suitable habitat for these charming creatures. 

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve UPSC Questions

Q. Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is located in which state?/Where is Nokrek Biosphere Reserve?/What is Nokrek Biosphere Reserve?

A. The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is located in the Garo Hills district of Meghalaya state, India. 

Q. When was Nokrek National Park added to the UNESCO list of biosphere reserve?

A. Nokrek National Park was added to the UNESCO list of biosphere reserve in 2009.

Q. Nokrek Biosphere Reserve in which hill?

A. The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is located in the Garo Hills region of Meghalaya, India. The reserve encompasses a significant portion of the Nokrek Range, which is a prominent hill range within the Garo Hills. The Garo Hills, along with the Khasi Hills and Jaintia Hills, form part of the larger Meghalaya Plateau.

Nokrek Biosphere Reserve

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